Ferry Vlissingen - Breskens

A bicycle and pedestrian ferry maintains a connection between Vlissingen and Breskens. Use this ferry to discover nice and interesting places in The Netherlands and Belgium. Walcheren and Zeeuws-Vlaanderen are excellent starting points for daytrips. The trip takes ±23 minutes on the modern and comfortable ferries.

Only pedestrians and bicycles can take the ferry. You can park your car for free at the terminals in Vlissingen and Breskens. The ferry terminal is located next to the train station in Vlissingen which makes them easily accessible by train
Ferry timetable and departure times
Westerschelde Ferry transports you within ±23 minutes to hospitable Breskens and Vlissingen, 365 days a year. You can find the entire schedule and exact departure times on the website: http://www.westerscheldeferry.nl/
Westerschelde tunnel
Cars, motorcycles and other motor vehicles can use the nearby Westerscheldetunnel. This tunnel connects the Zuid-Bevelanse Ellewoutsdijk with the Zeeuws-Vlaamse Terneuzen. On the north side the Westerscheldetunnelweg connects to the A58 (between Middelburg and Goes), to the south side it connects to the N61 (between Schoondijke and Terneuzen).