Zoutelande Day with Folklore 2025

An annual spectacle in Zoutelande is the Zoutelande Day (successor to the Folklore Day). There is a market with demonstrations of old crafts, entertainment, and music. Additionally, there is a small livestock show and guided activities for children such as a bouncy castle, face painting, etc.
This large, convivial event is held from 12:00 to 20:00 in the Langstraat and on the Willibrordusplein in the village centre.
Children's Area in the Church Garden
Come to the Children's Area in the church garden of the Catharinakerk! Here, children up to 12 years old can have a great time. With bouncy castles, fun children's games, craft activities, glitter tattoos, an exciting candy wheel, and the spectacular Circus Bolo, there's something for everyone.
Helicopter Tour
From the football training field on the Westkapelseweg, there is an opportunity to take a helicopter tour. Book your flight here: https://prince-helicopters.nl/product/helikoptervlucht-zoutelande/
Ring Riding
Traditionally, there is also ring riding in the Langstraat in farmer's costume on galloping unsaddled horses, a true folkloric spectacle. The 38 mm ring is sometimes replaced by smaller rings down to just 10 mm. All of this is enlivened by knowledgeable and passionate commentators who captivate the audience and heighten the suspense.
25 Years of the Bunker Museum
The Bunker Preservation Foundation is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year! To mark the occasion, the Bunker Museum in Zoutelande will be open on this ‘Zoutelandse day’ on 8th August 2024 from 12:00 to 16:00.
You can find the Bunker Museum at Meester Schoenmakerspad behind the Duinhotel Tien Torens.
Musical Conclusion
In the evening, there is a musical conclusion to this day in the centre, amidst the cosy terraces.
What time / Opening hours
From 12:00 till 20:00 hours.