Beach Volleyball Tournament 2025


Every summer, the Badstrand in front of beach pavilion Pier 7 in Vlissingen turns into a sporty arena! For six weeks, every Thursday evening, enthusiastic beach volleyball teams compete against each other in the friendly Summer Evening Beach Volleyball Tournaments. A sporty and summery experience where fun and competition go hand in hand!

What can you expect?

  • Sporty & Sociable: Play an exciting game of beach volleyball with friends, family or colleagues, then enjoy the beautiful sunset on the beach.
  • Tournament Information: Every Thursday evening, the tournament starts at 7:00 PM and ends around 9:15 PM.
  • Accessible for Everyone: There is one level: young and old, beginners and advanced players, everyone plays together.
  • Team Composition: Teams consist of up to 4 players on the field. If there are more than 4 players, 'rotation' takes place. Don’t have a team? No worries, we’ll do our best to place you in a team (but can’t guarantee it).
  • Limited Participant Spaces: A maximum of 20 teams per evening. Due to the tides, the number of fields may vary, so register early!
  • Rules of Play: Games are played according to official indoor volleyball rules.
  • Registration Fee: €16 per team per evening. Drinks at the beach pavilion are at your own expense.
  • Great Prizes: The winning team takes home a lovely prize!
  • Free Play: During the day, if possible, there will be fields where you can practice for free.

Registering and Signing Up

  • When to register? Registration opens exactly one week in advance at 9:00 PM.
  • How to sign up? You can register by calling, texting (preferably via WhatsApp), or sending an SMS to +31 6-28618623. Your registration is only final after receiving confirmation.
  • On the evening itself: From 6:30 PM, we’ll welcome teams at the beach.

A Sporty Summer Evening by the Sea

Join the Beach Volleyball Tournament at beach pavilion Pier 7 in Vlissingen and enjoy an unforgettable summer evening full of action, sociability, and beach fun! Whether you’re coming to win or just to play for fun, it promises to be a sporty celebration!

Don’t miss out, and sign up early!


What time / Opening hours

From 19:00 till 21:00 hours.


Zandpaviljoen Pier 7, Vlissingen
